It was a beautiful morning just after an evening of sleeplessness due to the severe thunder storms that tore through this part of the Maine coast. It seemed like everything outside had been electrified and made new. The sun shone brighter, the colors in the flora and fauna seemed to be more vibrant and the water surrounding the island was almost tropical in tone. Naturally, I couldn’t wait to get out and walk the footpaths down to the island dock to see what else mother nature could provide me. Just before approaching the dock this scene made itself visible through a break in the trees. I froze and just took it all in. The position from my angle of the of the little islands with their saturated grasses planted in a bath of turquoise and the parting cloud cover spilling out just enough light to illuminate the scene was just breathtaking. Within seconds it was over. Gone. My attention was now taken by the group of Islanders gathering on the dock waiting for the ferry to the mainland for their morning walk together followed by a coffee and homemade donut at Trevtt’s. I think I’ll join them.